Architettura Sostenibile e Tradizione a Km 0
A ridosso del vigneto sorge la moderna Cantina, un’opera di architettura moderna e funzionale in cui convivono armoniosamente innovazione tecnologica e tradizione, concepita per avere un basso impatto ambientale e un alto risparmio energetico.
La struttura della cantina, dai colori chiari e costruita con materiali naturali quali pietra leccese, legno, corten, testimonia un legame profondo con il territorio, nel rispetto della bellezza di questi luoghi, tra i più suggestivi del basso Salento.
Qui avvengono tutti i processi di vinificazione, affinamento in acciaio o in botti di rovere, imbottigliamento, stoccaggio e vendita. Il brevissimo tragitto che le uve percorrono, il vero km 0, è garanzia della qualità del raccolto e consente di mantenerne inalterate tutte le caratteristiche organolettiche.

Functional Spaces for Aging and Fermentation
The winery is spread over two floors. On the elevated floor, there is a large space where the refrigerated stainless steel tanks are located, used for the aging of the wines. On the external terrace, the large 100-quintal rotating tank is used for the fermentation of red wines.
The first floor of the winery hosts a small showroom and a laboratory, as well as a spacious area where the refrigerated stainless steel tanks for wine aging are placed. On the external terrace, the large 100-quintal rotating tank is used for the fermentation of red wines.

The newly built cellar is on 2 levels, ground floor and basement. The first houses a small showroom room and a laboratory, as well as a room of approximately 180 m2 where the refrigerated steel tanks used for refining the wines are located. On the external terrace there is a 100 quintals rotary tank used for the fermentation of red wines. In the basement there is a barrique cellar of approximately 100 m2 for the aging of wine in wood. This environment is also kept at adequate temperature and humidity. By appointment we host groups of visitors for tasting our wines.

A Journey Through Territory, Tradition, and Passion
The winery has been designed to welcome wine enthusiasts, offering them a direct connection to its production philosophy, which is rooted in commitment, passion, and a continuous pursuit of quality through almost "artisan" craftsmanship. The winery is open for guided tours and tastings, which each year attract tourists and wine lovers eager to discover our territory and its riches. It is from the love for the land that the idea was born to give all the wines a Griko name, thus telling an identity-driven and at times intimate story, a tribute to the land of Sternatia, the hometown of the Marti family. Only the first label has an Italian name, "Orterosse," a homage to the land of Otranto, where the estate is located.